Briefwisseling tussen de Nederlandse en de Ierse bevoegde autoriteiten o.g.v. artikel 70, derde lid, van Verordening 1408/71 en artikel 105, tweede lid, van Verordening 574/72 van de Raad van de Europese Gemeenschappen inzake het afzien van de vergoeding van werkloosheidsuitkeringen en de vergoeding van de kosten die voortvloeien uit administratieve controle, geneeskundig onderzoek, enz. nodig voor de toekenning en verlening van prestaties of voor de herziening ervan
Briefwisseling tussen de Nederlandse en de Ierse bevoegde autoriteiten o.g.v. artikel 70, derde lid, van Verordening 1408/71 en artikel 105, tweede lid, van Verordening 574/72 van de Raad van de Europese Gemeenschappen inzake het afzien van de vergoeding van werkloosheidsuitkeringen en de vergoeding van de kosten die voortvloeien uit administratieve controle, geneeskundig onderzoek, enz. nodig voor de toekenning en verlening van prestaties of voor de herziening ervan, 's-Gravenhage / Dublin, 27-07-1987
Office of the Secretary
Department of Social Welfare
Dublin 1
22 April, 1987
With reference to earlier discussions on the matter, I, on behalf of the competent authority of Ireland within the meaning of Article 1(1) of Regulation (E.E.C.) No. 1408/71 of the Council of the European Communities on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and to members of their families moving within the community (hereinafter to be referred to as "The Regulation") as specified in Annex 1 of Regulation (E.E.C.) No. 574/72 of the Council of the European Communities as amended, propose the following:
The reimbursement of the costs entailed in administrative checks and in medical examinations, observations, doctors' visits and checks of all kinds necessary for the award, provision or review of benefits shall be mutually waived on the basis of the provisions of article 105, paragraph 2 of Regulation 574/72.
If this accords with the understanding of the competent authority of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, I have the honour to propose that this letter together with your reply to that effect be regarded as placing on record the understanding of the competent authorities in this matter.
This arrangement will enter into force on the date of your letter in reply with retrospective effect from 1 January 1987. The arrangement will remain in force for a period of three years and thereafter it will continue to be in force from year to year unless either the competent authority of the Kingdom of the Netherlands or the competent authority of Ireland give at least six months notice of termination.
I have the honour to be your obedient servant
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